About Us
HB Group is a Multinational Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) based Enterprise operating a multitude of Businesses on two Continents. It specializes in the field of Telecommunications and Information Technology as is diversified into various other fields such as The Importing and Trading of Renowned International Brands of Designer Clothing, Real Estate Construction and Development, Alternative Energy Solutions for the Telecom Sector, Security Services Provisions, Consultancy Services, Micro financing and an Agro Forestry Project that aims to create mass rural Employment whilst at the same time letting HB Group accrue Carbon Credit Points.
The HB Group is also running a Charity Trust Organization and an NGO aimed towards community appraisal. The Construction and Development of a fully equipped Private Hospital is presently in the pipelines. A Microfinance Project with the name of GOAT BANK is going to be executed in the near future as well.