Orient Express LDI (Pvt.) Limited is a Long Distance and International service provider Company which has been awarded an LDI License by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority.

The company services’ profile comprises of VoIP services, Internet Bandwidth Services, Tele-Housing and Cable Landing Stations.

Currently we have an established VoIP network across the country and have Domestic interconnects with All Cellular Operators and Multiple Landline/Local Loop Operators while have International interconnects with Major Telecom Operators World Wide. International voice traffic from telecom interconnect partners is aggregated and then distributed to cellular and PSTN operators in Pakistan while domestic traffic is terminated and originated with National Interconnect partners comprising of Call centers, Local Loop operators, Landline Operators and Cellular Mobile operators.

The Company also offers A2P SMS services where we have international interconnects to gather traffic and distribute to other interconnect partners worldwide. As future road map, company is going to expand Domestic SMS PoPs in multiple cities of Pakistan.

Currently, Orient express LDI offers telehousing services for the equipment of other operators on our sites and the sites managed by us